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New Black Girl Making Updates Coming Soon


That’s right – class of 2020 ju hurrrrd! In 2019, I never would have thought what would be in store when I embarked on my postgrad journey. Definitely not a pandemic! 2020 was quite the adventure as we all know and 2021 hasn’t been too much better (trust me, I know. I’ve canceled four trips this year alone). I learned so much during my time at the Univ. of San Francisco’s Sport Management program. I wouldn’t trade my education for anything (unless it was a trip to Europe of course 😅).

Are you a San Francisco resident? Did you know City College offers free tuition to SF students?
If you’re interested in learning a language or want to sharpen your skills in a particular field, check out CCSF. I am currently practicing Spanish (chill, it’s elem. Spanish ha) as a CCSF student this fall. Even though I have graduated with my master’s, I want to keep learning. I felt like I needed to keep myself busy during these difficult times, especially since I’m “webinar’d out!” If you’re interested in taking courses at CCSF check out their website. Find me on social, I’m happy to answer any questions regarding the application process and such. ÂĄBuena suerte!